Simple and sustainable pricing

Visits / month



Monthly billingYearly billing2 months free
Unlimited websites
Unlimited users
Complete data ownership
Start for free now

No credit card required. Cancel anytime.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Of course, we made sure it's easy to do it from your account. You will maintain full access to the features you have paid for until the end of your billing cycle.

What if I reach my plan limit?

That's fine! We will not turn off any of the features and we will continue collecting page views. We'll let you know if you go over your limit two months in a row and ask you to upgrade your plan.

Can I change my plan?

Sure, you're welcome to do that anytime. You can either upgrade or downgrade it and any active subscriptions will be cancelled automatically.

Do you have a permanently free plan?

No, unfortunatelly not. We run our services on enterprise grade infrastructure, which is not cheap. Our business is website analytics, not your data.


Simple, fast and privacy-friendly Google Analytics alternative.

Made in EU 🇪🇺




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